New collection a/w 2011

In last few days I am browsing the Internet and somehow never can't find enough time to write post about things that I found, or maybe I should say I am lazy. Anyway, new collection for a/w 2011 from Ann Demeulemeester and Rick Owens blew me totally... so take a look:) Ann Demeulemeester ...

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And page finally completed. So what now? As new into all this I must say I am quite confused, and that I really don't like making "first post". But lets somehow start... Years passed since I used any of those kind of portals. I am, somehow, not much into social networking but today after one totally relaxed day spent with all those magazines, books, liters of coffee... some of past ideas came back to my mind. And here I am (oh really?), trying to awake from long dream. I wont say that this blog is supposed to be something...