Wednesday, August 17, 2016

DZHUS - "Nihilism" A/W 2016

Amazing, young, and talented Ukrainian designer, Irina Dzhus recently presented collection for upcoming season of A/W 2016 entitled "Nihilism."
Contradicting the today's fashion trends, DZHUS created a collection that allows wearer to stay true and unique as they are; not pretending to be someone else.

Dzhus generates innovative cut systems, using nothing but her extraordinary ability of a thorough insight into the complex structure of the ambient and a deep understanding of its architectonic potential. Comprehending metaphysics of the form and its antipode, volumes and silhouettes, surfaces and voids, contours and textures... the niche brand’s signature industrial-looking finishes and austere monochrome palette also appeal to the conceptual cut, as a basis of DZHUS’ identity.

Photo: Olga Nepravda
Style: Irina Dzhus
Makeup & hair: Maria Kolomiets
Models: Sofi Pashkual @PM Management, Inna Daukshene @Linea12
Location: Closer, Kiev

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