Friday, June 10, 2016

Solemn - "The Principle of Dao" S/S 2016

Solemn's 2016 Spring Summer collection extracts its theme upon verse 40 of Laozi's Daode Jing: "Return is the motion of Dao. Softening is dao's function. All things in the world arise from being. And being arises from non-being." This collection and its silhouettes attempt to portray the abstract idea of Dao as the essence of all being that is distinctly defined by the act of softening. Thus, Dao circulates between all that exists, yet it cannot be seen clear by the naked eye. Essentially, Dao becomes the core for existence. Without Dao, nothing prevails."

Direction: Linus Jin
Photos: Huang JunTuan
Make up: Angie Huang
Model: Chenze Lin

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