Saturday, October 3, 2015

Marko Feher - "Human 2.0" editorial

I already wrote about amazing "Indestructible" collection of young and talented Bosnian designer, Marko Feher. Recently this creative individual made collaboration with photographer Edvin Kalić, and result was editorial "Human 2.0"

”Human 2.0 is the story of the future. Story which will open the doors of rebellion and change, and to mention the subject of the present, where we are figures on someone’s stand in someone’s game. Human 2.0 are nobodies figures, and they don’t play by anyone rules, they are self-conscious, rebellious, brave, strong and indestructible as the collection name is, “Indestructible”. Make- up is omitted becaues of further empowerment, and in the foreground featured androgyny, as the main feature of the future, because we believe that gender should not be the one that determines. A sci-fi story, Human 2.0 in real world would help to our country. Passive state of mind of many young, and manipulative of most adults actually governing, led us into this situation in which safety mean only leaving our country.
I truely believe, that Im one of Human 2.0 series of people and I want change, rebellion, revolution. I want new, different, without mold.” 

Design: Marko Feher
Photo: Edvin Kalic
Models: Emina Smaka and Sabina Mrgan

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