Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Alexandre Plokhov - A/W 2015

We all remember his latest work from 2013 and all those previous amazing menswear he created. This time, Alexandre Plokhov came back with addition of womenswear line. "It was about finding a common language between men's and women's," he explained. Pointing on term androgynous, that is like the main thing lately, Plokhov's clothes aren't unisex, he clarified. There's a lot of overlap in terms of fabrics, and the dark, moody vibe that he's specialized in since the days of his early aughts label Cloak crosses gender lines, but in most cases the silhouettes are distinctly boy or girl.
Despite fact being a menswear designer for so long, designer takes his creations on next level, creating strict sexy look on a woman, as well as tough and military for men. In this collection Plokhov created look for any occasion.

Reference: Style.com

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