Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Minoar is the tamed chaos designed in one specific direction. Their focus is directed in the creation of a sensory vision through alternatively built perception. "Through our creations we intend to originate an external shape as a reflection of the human sensorium."
Minoar reflects as an undefined outcome of events in process of creation that touches the indefinable. Their concept is strongly connected with the roots and is directly bound with the gifts of nature exposed through materials. "Of all that we create artefacts of our illusions cultured within colorless forms where each element has its own purpose."

References: Minoar


  1. I have been browsing through your archives, including all you recent posts and I love your dedication! The work showcased on your site is beautiful, I hope you keep it up!

    1. Editing my blogs and playing with styles is one of the things that I really love and enjoy doing it. So, knowing and hearing that someone else likes what I am doing always means a lot to me and makes me happy. Therefore thank you very much dear Anon.

  2. @ Misssing Light
    You are welcome :-)
