Thursday, June 19, 2014

Janis Sne - "Self Destruct" collection

"If you have a perfect picture in mind of how things are supposed to be, the chances you would be disappointed at the result are 99%. We do not live in perfect world!
We are born unique, but most die as ordinary. I guess every people come to the point in their lives where they want to stand up for their rights, values and vission.  Once you realize it, you look to the world and people around from different point of  view! The turning point for me was when I understood that the system is pushing me to do the things according to the rules. I felt that I am loosing myself to the system. I had to stop, rethink and take control over what I really want - to be the creator, not the product of the environment. Art is the only way to escape the system. It gives you moments of freedom!
These moments do inspire to push further, not to lose that young kid, who wants to change the world to be a better place. That's why my works deep inside are agressive, futuristic  and in some way - screaming for revolution and changes!
I did not choose fashion. Fashion chose me!"

References: Janis Sne

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