Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Y Project by Yohan Serfaty - “CHAIRMAN" A/W 2013-14

The runway at Y Project was intersected by a V-shaped formation of chairs. Lit by a matching V of down lights, the models in the chairs looked like they are part of the revolutionary statement, V for Vendetta. “CHAIRMAN" is name of collection for A/W 2013-14, and also Mr. Serfaty added "It  is an allegory about the illusion of social power and about the influence it projects on the subject and on the object.” Also it is known that Serfaty was fond of questioning social statements and society in general, therefore he was showing that through his collections.  Once more great collection of even greater mind.
You left so fast. May your soul rest in peace. Farewell Mr. Serfaty, we will miss you.



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