Monday, April 8, 2013

Sruli Recht - "Concentrated" A/W 2013-14

Sruli Recht, born in Jerusalem, Israel in 1979 and being a citizen of Australia where he lived and worked for many years, he is now based in Reykjavik of Iceland. Recht studied Fashion Design at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia where he started his fashion design experiments and later combined it with other forms of design. Main inspiration for his designs Recht found in Cyberpunk, Sci-Fi, Futurism, Russian Constructivism and Industrial design.  The SR studio produces one “non-product” every month from umbrellas to bulletproof scarves, tables, to belts and boots, and incorporating such materials as concrete, diamonds, skin and wool.
For his F/W 2013 collection designer mainly used wood, wool and cotton as materials. The colors of black and grey is broken by a yellow ochre suit and a matching pair of suede shoes that have the patterns of the wooden items repeated on their soles.

References: Sruli Recht and DeZeen


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