Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Vega Zaishi Wang - "Alpha Lyrae" electroluminescence collection

Vega Zaishi Wang is Beijing-based designer. She graduated from Central Saint Martins in 2008 and established her brand in the same year. As a recent graduate she has already been recognizes as one of China's top designers in terms of originality and quality. Her originality was most shown when Vega started showing her fascination with light, and finding ways to incorporate it into her designs. First use of electroluminescence  was in her first collection "Into the deep".
In the newest collection under name "Alpha Lyrae", Vega again uses electroluminescence and she is finding the inspiration in far future and deep space. Wang’s first name “Vega” refers to one of the brightest stars in our night sky, a heavenly body also referred to as Alpha Lyrae. With this dress collection of luminescent designs, Wang tells the story of the universe from beginning to end.

References: The creators project and  NJaL


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