Monday, July 2, 2012

InAisce - F/W 12/13

Shaved and tattooed head with beard, you are right... That is Jona, designer behind label InAisce (pronounced “in-ask-ee”). Born in 1983 in the mountains of Colorado, designs in an old Brooklyn factory, wears his own designs and is inspired by nature in all her wild and pristine forms. InAisce is designed for everyday wear, for both, males and females. Over the last decade, Jona has lived and worked in a number of countries, from Italy to Indonesia, but his connection to Japan is surely the strongest. “I fell in love,” he said of the relationship he has developed with the country. Therefore how he explains the "In" in his brand name was "in Japan".
His designs are pragmatic, play of presence and absence of light, nature, matter, absorption, geometry, pattern,technique innovation and minimalism.

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