Thursday, June 7, 2012

Kamila Gawrońska Kasperska - Metropolis and Diesel Fashion Collections

Kamila is fashion and costume designer from Poland. Graduated from Art Department in Zielona Gora University (1998-2003). Master of Arts finals on fashion photography. Between 2008 -2011 – a student of International School of Costume and Fashion Design in Warsaw, Poland.

METROPOLIS collection - Inspiration in creating this collection was a film made by Fritz Lang in 1927 called “Metropolis”. The main idea was taken from futuristic styled skyscrapers as seen in the movie, followed with dieselpunk style, fashion from 1920's and 1930's, art deco style and Tamara Lempicka’s paintings. Structural, feminine and beyond the time, this collection is based on only three colours : black, red and white.

DIESEL collection - This collection continues earlier collection Metropolis. It contains only black color. Inspiration for this collection was found in movies "Sky Captain And The Word of Tomorrow" and "Sin City", as well in steampunk and dieselpunk.



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